Get Your Copy of Kris Miller’s #1 Bestselling Book
“Ready for PREtirement:
3 Secrets for Safe Money and a Fabulous Future”
People are overwhelmed by the financial decisions they face as they age, especially when they’re unexpectedly confronted with choices related to hospitalization or the death of a spouse. But a little financial planning now can prevent panic, worry and foolish decisions made in the heat of the moment. Kris Miller’s book, Ready for PREtirement: 3 Secrets for Safe Money and a Fabulous Future, covers everything you need to know now, in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, so that you can rest easy in your Golden Years.
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Take Your Finances to the Next Level

Ready For PREtirement: 3 Secrets for Safe Money and a Fabulous Future is a comprehensive guide designed to help you plan for retirement or Life After Work NOW. Retirement planning can be scary, confusing and overwhelming, especially if you wait until you’re faced with a family medical emergency. It is during these unexpected situations that people often make foolish decisions because of the stress and pressure to make a quick choice.
But a little planning goes a long way. The worksheets and tools included in Ready For PREtirement make it easy to get started. Learn how to create a Living Will and a Living Trust. Designate Guardians for your young children and make sure that your family is cared for, even if you can’t be here to take care of them yourself.
While older people have pressing financial planning issues related to age and health, Life After Work planning isn’t just for Seniors. Author Kris Miller taps into her vast Estate Planning experience and explains why you should get started now – even in your 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s.
Ready For PREtirement is designed to offer – in easy‐to‐understand terms – an overview of all the financial decisions that everyone will need to make at some point in their lives. From writing a will to creating a trust, from the proper way to hold property to selecting low‐risk investments, this book provides necessary financial guidance for everyone.
For those who haven’t even started their PREtirement planning yet, Ready For PREtirement: 3 Secrets for Safe Money and a Fabulous Future, will serve as your first step. So get started and get Ready For PREtirement so you can prepare for Life After Work.
Ready to Take Your Finances to the Next Level?
Get “Ready for PREtirement: 3 Secrets for Safe Money and a Fabulous Future” and get started planning for Life After Work.