Create Income You Will Never Outlive

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Wealth So You Can Protect and Grow Your Assets for Your Lifetime and Beyond

You are paying too much in taxes, your family’s financial security is at risk,
and you are not protected if the unexpected happens. It is not your fault.

Never before has there been so much uncertainty in the global economy. Out-of-control inflation, rapidly rising interest rates, a volatile stock market, and political changes that could give you whiplash all contribute to a financial world that is rocky at best.

We’re living longer, saving less and taking on more risk. The housing market is more costly than ever. Healthcare costs are uncontrollable. Retirement, or Life After Work, is more expensive than ever. The rich get richer and the poor… you know the cliché (but it’s true). The 1% rarely worries about any of these challenges because they have prepared and taken consistent action for years and years, so they never have to worry.

Not planning ahead when it comes to your money can have significant consequences, both in the short and long term. Here’s what’s at stake if you don’t plan your finances:

  • Financial stress: Poor financial planning can lead to stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact your mental and physical health.
  • Family’s financial security: Failing to plan for the future can leave your family financially vulnerable, particularly if you do not have adequate insurance coverage or an estate plan in place.
  • Higher tax burden: Without proper planning, you may not take full advantage of tax-saving strategies, resulting in a higher tax burden than necessary.
  • Inability to achieve financial goals: Without a plan, it becomes challenging to achieve your financial goals, such as buying a home, starting a business, or funding your children’s education.
  • Insufficient emergency fund: Without a proper plan, you may not have enough savings to cover unexpected expenses such as medical bills, car repairs, or job loss. This can force you to rely on high-interest credit or loans, further worsening your financial situation.
  • Missed investment opportunities: A lack of planning can lead to missed investment opportunities, as you may not have the funds available to invest when the right opportunity arises. This can limit your potential for wealth growth over time.
  • Retirement insecurity: Failing to plan for retirement can result in an insufficient nest egg, forcing you to work longer, rely on government benefits, or face a reduced standard of living in your golden years.
  • Poor debt management: Lack of planning can lead to increased debt levels, particularly if you rely on credit cards or loans to cover expenses. High debt can lead to a lower credit score, making it harder to get favorable loan terms or even to rent an apartment or get a job.
  • Limited financial flexibility: A lack of planning can make it harder to adapt to changing circumstances, such as a job loss or economic downturn, potentially exacerbating financial problems.

Create Income You Will Never Outlive

Make a Life, Not Just a Living

It doesn’t matter how much you make, it’s how much you keep. We’ve created an online course and group coaching program that will teach you to build wealth, generate a lifetime of income and live the life of your dreams.

In just 12 short weeks, we’ll help you implement everything you need to protect your money, keep more of it, and control it so you and your family can win at life. Take back your money power today!

“Crete Income You Will Never Outlive” is the perfect solution for you to finally take control of your entire financial life. No one is born knowing anything about money or how to manage it, let alone make more of it. This online course & group coaching program is the “missing manual” to a rich and prosperous life. Elevate Your Wealth and Secure Your Family’s Future by Harnessing the Power of Intelligent Financial Strategies.

Transform your financial destiny with our life-changing 12-week online course, tailored to medium-to-high net worth individuals looking to protect their hard-earned assets and create a lasting legacy for generations to come. Easy and simple. Protecting your assets and income never has to be complicated with Create Income. Step-by-step action plans so you have no worries about what to do next. There are over 40 direct and to the point videos to answer the vast majority of your questions. Plus, weekly, interactive sessions with your coach and trainer followed by Q&A sessions, leave no stone unturned. No more worrying if your broker or your banker has your best interests at heart. You’re in charge with Create Income.

Enroll Now & Transform Your Finances Forever

Enroll Now

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

This paragraph here is to explain how your online course works. Tell them what exactly will happen after they sign up. Do they get access to all of it straight away? How much time will it take them to complete the course? What result will they get at the end?

Minimize Taxes

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Protect Your Kids

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Maximize Income

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Thrive During Life After Work

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Here’s what people are saying about working with Kris Miller

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“Many professionals can be inspiring and many informative, but seldom do the two co-exist. Such is the case with Kris Miller. In all my years of working with financial experts I have never been as inspired or informed as I have been with Kris. She really knows her stuff and she knows how to engage others to the process of gaining greater financial freedom. I recommend her highly for both individuals as well as firms looking to increase their financial viability.”
Val Jon Ferris
Leadership Development Consultant, Hewlett-Packard, Agilent Technologies, Yahoo, Microsoft, Intuit
5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“Two very important things that you’re going to take away from your experience with Kris Miller. One is peace of mind. The second is assuring your quality of life. If you haven’t engaged in planning on medical, financial, or legal concerns, you have to do it right now. What I got from listening to Kris was the urgency and the importance of doing it and doing it early. The clarity and organization she offers will walk through the whole process and really walk away with great peace of mind. Follow what she does. It’s great information. I want you to have a great quality of life.”
Dr. Joan Rosenberg
Psychologist & University Professor
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5 star rating
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5 star rating
“I want to tell everybody, and I’m not afraid to tell this, what a delight it is to do business with Kris Miller. She’s walked us through our living trust, explained all the various details in layman’s language. This has really been great. I’m not used to the ambiguous big words attorneys use. She has been a delight to work with; she’s a delightful person; and interesting as the devil once you get to know her. Thank you very much, and I encourage anybody with problems with their living trusts or annuities to please contact Kris Miller.”
Ralph Sooza

Here’s What’s In Create Income You Will Never Outlive


Module 1: Your Money DNA

How you think about money and finances can make all the difference in securing your family’s financial future. What’s your Money DNA?


Module 2: Healthy Money Happy Life

When your financial life is healthy, many of your other worries disappear.
Not like magic, but with knowledge, a solid plan and consistent action.


Module 3: Money 101

No one is born understanding money and they don’t teach you about it in school. Creating Income You Will Never Outlive requires a solid foundation.


Module 4: Safe & Secure Money Strategies

Protecting what you already have and eliminating or minimizing your risks and taxes is what Safe and Secure Money Strategies is all about.


Module 5: Keep Your Lifestyle the Same, No Matter What

Life is filled with the Unexpected. Illness, accidents, job change or loss, a rapidly changing economy – all have an impact on your Financial Well-Being.


Module 6: Take Control of Your Life & Your Estate

The last thing you want is for the government to make decisions for you and your family. Stop their overreach and secure your assets for generations.


Module 7: Your Living Trust

The single most powerful weapon in your financial portfolio to provide, protect and preserve you and your family’s lifestyle and their futures is a Living Trust. Learn how to plan yours, what to include, how to fund it and manage changes.

It is far simpler and much more affordable to plan for any eventuality now, rather than when you’re in the middle of a crisis.

We take a deep dive into the world of trusts and explore how the uber-rich have used them for centuries to protect, grow and secure their legacies and pass on generational wealth.



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About Your Instructor
Kris Miller, LDA

Kris Miller is the founder & CEO of Healthy Money Happy Life, a financial literacy and wellness company. She has helped over 6,000 families avoid financial disaster by strategically planning for their futures.

Her clients dramatically improve management of their current finances and discover unique and imaginative ways to plan, save, and invest so they can thrive and live a healthy and happy life, including Life After Work.

Create Income You Will Never Outlive
Is the Missing Manual for Financial Prosperity & Longevity

Learn How to Create a Secure Future for Your Family

There’s no such thing as a “safe” investment. The truth is, you’re constantly at risk of losing your money. Whether it’s the stock market, real estate, or that new restaurant you just invested in, there are so many ways for the value of your money to drop drastically. You may not be able to avoid these risks altogether – but you can change the way you prepare for them and how you think about them.

Avoid unexpected surprises and pave your way to financial freedom.

It’s time for you to break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. With Create Income, you can avoid unexpected surprises, protect your family and create a life with zero debt. Whether you want to retire or just live comfortably, we show you how.

Help you prepare for your retirement. Whether that’s in
5 years or 30.

The course was created by Kris Miller, an industry expert in safe money strategies.  With over 30 years of experience, Kris has helped protect over 6,000 families and businesses from heartbreak and financial ruin.  The course and group coaching is perfect for people who are planning to retire or want to continue their career but still want to protect their lifestyle.

Create Income You Will Never Outlive

Change the Financial Reality for You and Your Family

“Create Income You Will Never Outlive” is a 12-week online educational program with group coaching for all participants. Weekly video calls offer additional topics for discussion and even more strategies for safe and secure money. Each week, time is set aside for Q&A sessions so you’re never left to “figure it out” for yourself.

We also bring on special guests to explore more deeply, subjects that impact your financial well-being – from taxes to healthcare to Social Security & Medicare to a wide range of investment options and how to use them effectively.


Your Money DNA

How you think about money and finances can make all the difference in securing your family’s financial future. What’s your Money DNA?

  • What’s at stake? The REAL cost of not planning ahead
  • Why your Mindset is everything when it comes to money and how to get better
  • The Myths of Money
  • Your First Action Step
  • Be the Architect of Your Own Lifestyle
  • Why budgets don’t work and the powerful alternative that does
  • Rethinking retirement? Want to retire early?
  • The TWO places your money will be during retirement u0026amp; how to optimize

Healthy Money Happy Life

When your financial life is healthy, many of your other worries disappear. Not like magic, but with knowledge,  a solid plan and consistent action.

  • Health is Wealth and Wealth is Health. Your financial wellness depends on it
  • Why your Mindset is everything when
  • u003cstrongu003eLOVEu003c/strongu003e – Provide, Protect u0026amp; Preserve = Peace of Mind
  • Your Vision for Wealth and Happiness
  • Secrets of the 1% and how you can use them for your own benefit
  • Creating Your Own Wealth Timeline – Plan, Design, Act
  • Plugging the Leaks and Building New Money Habits
  • The Truth about credit u0026amp; debt – use them wisely to grow your wealth
  • Your Money GPS – the plan to get you where you want to be

Money 101

No one is born understanding money and they don’t teach you about it in school. Creating Income You Will Never Outlive requires a solid foundation.

  • What is YOUR Financial Fitness right now and what is the prescription for success?
  • Living from Abundance not Lack and still be able to handle emergencies
  • No matter what age you are you must start planning for Life After Work
  • Needs, Wants, Necessities and Why Paying Yourself first is essential
  • Your Income, Your Taxes, Your Savings – 401(K)’s, Roth IRAs, IRAs and Pensions
  • S.M.A.R.T. Goals and Getting Out of Debt Once and For All
  • How to Generate Money and Add Additional Streams of Income to Your Life
  • Your Best Wealth Building Navigational Tool
  • Social Security – the REAL Truth and Why It Won’t Save you in Retirement

Safe & Secure Money Strategies

Protecting what you already have and eliminating or minimizing your risks and taxes is what Safe and Secure Money Strategies is all about.

  • There are many investment options. Which ones position you for success?
  • Do you know how your 401(K) is doing? Is it invested with your values?
  • Is Insurance a good investment and what kinds suit your situation the best?
  • How to protect your money and never lose a dime to market risk
  • How to be your own financial advocate
  • It’s never too late to build financial well-being – Putting your plan into action
  • FREEDOM FUNDS – what are they and how to generate yours

Keep Your Lifestyle the Same, No Matter What

Life is filled with the Unexpected. Illness, accidents, job change or loss, a rapidly changing economy – all have an impact on your Financial Well-Being.

  • Get Your Affairs in Order (or the government will)
  • Healthcare is constantly changing. How to protect your health now and in retirement
  • How to Protect Your Kids and their Futures
  • The Must Have Conversations About Money You Need to Have with Your Family
  • The costs of not Planning for the Unexpected – Is Long Term Care protection a smart move?
  • Are you at risk? How to minimize the risks to you and your family
  • Why are you procrastinating?

Taking Control of Your Life and Your Estate

The last thing you want is for the government to make decisions for you and your family. Stop their overreach and secure your assets for generations.

  • What is an Estate?
  • How do you take control and keep it under your direction
  • The What, Who, When and Why of Estate Planning now – stop waiting!
  • Keeping Your Family Intact and Secure
  • Probate – one of the most costly mistakes anyone can make, even celebrities
  • A Will is not enough and how easy it is to protect your wishes using a Living Trust
  • Why your Estate is not about the end of your life and how to maximize it while you’re alive

Your Living Trust

The single most powerful weapon in your financial portfolio to provide, protect and preserve you and your family’s lifestyle and their futures is a Living Trust. Learn how to plan yours, what to include, how to fund it and manage changes.

It is far simpler and much more affordable to plan for any eventuality now, rather than when you’re in the middle of a crisis.

We take a deep dive into the world of trusts and explore how the uber-rich have used them for centuries to protect, grow and secure their legacies and pass on generational wealth.

This is the only course you will ever
need to create a lifetime of income.

People today find themselves overwhelmed with financial obligations. And the more they earn, the more they owe. They are working more and earning more but not getting ahead. As a result, many are living in fear of losing what they’ve worked for and setting their own financial life on fire.

/adThe good news is that you have the power to change this. We offer a proven and safe way to generate an income that will outlive you and put your family’s future on safe ground. You don’t have to worry about making risky investments or job changes or what’s going on in the economy. Just follow our simple, enjoyable and proven system!

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